Keynote speaking topics for both of us:
Edie’s Speaking Topics
1. The Inside Gig: How Sharing Untapped Talent Across Boundaries Unleashes Organizational Capacity
2. Implementing an Internal Talent Marketplace: The Keys to Success
3. The Future of Work
4. Culture is Not in the Office
5. Getting Ready for the Future of Work: How Leadership and Success Will Evolve
6. Flipping the Script on Performance Management: From Evaluation to Enablement
7. Innovative ways to expand your talent supply
8. Designing a Winning Employee Experience: HR’s Blueprint
Kelley’s Speaking Topics
1 Future of Work 2030
2 Skills Goldrush: Mining Untapped Talent and Driving Workforce Transformation
3 Skills-Based Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities
4 Making Use of Skills for Public Sector
5 Why Skills Intelligence is Important in the Board Room
6 What it Means to be a Next Gen CHRO
7 CHRO as the COO of the Talent Supply Chain